Democracy Investments holds an exclusive license agreement with the publisher of "The Economist," The Economist Group, LTD, for the use of their Democracy Index for financial products globally. In our view, the Economist’s Democracy Index is one of the most respected, objective, and transparent measures of democracy in the world.
The Index uses a “passive management” (or indexing) approach to achieve its investment objective to track the Democracy Investments International Index.
The starting universe is the Solactive GBS Global Markets ex United States Large & Mid Cap USD Index (market cap weighted, international equities) which consists of 2200 securities in 54 countries.
Each security is assigned a "country of risk" as categorized by Refinitiv. The EIU Democracy Index score is then applied to each security by "country of risk" and normalized.
Our proprietary methodology results in a new index that is the product of market capitalization and democracy scores, resulting in higher weights in democratic countries and lesser weights in authoritarian states.
The Index is rebalanced and reconstituted on a quarterly basis.
The Democracy Index, produced annually by The Economist Intelligence Unit, is a robust, independent measure of the state of democracy globally. Our index provides a comprehensive picture of trends in democracy across 167 countries, allowing comparisons across countries and between time periods since the start of the index in 2006.
Despite the global "democracy recession" of recent years, 68 countries have improved their scores over the lifetime of the index, most of them in Asia, Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. This shows that democratic progress is possible even when the overall global trend is one of decline.
The Economist Intelligence Unit’s index of democracy, on a 0 to 10 scale, is based on the ratings for 60 indicators, grouped into five categories:
Each category has a rating on a 0 to 10 scale, and the overall Index is the simple average of the five category indexes. The category indexes are based on the sum of the indicator scores in the category, converted to a 0 to 10 scale.
Norway | 9.81 |
New Zealand | 9.61 |
Sweden | 9.39 |
Finland | 9.30 |
Denmark | 9.28 |
Ireland | 9.19 |
Switzerland | 9.14 |
Netherlands | 9.00 |
Taiwan | 8.92 |
Luxembourg | 8.81 |
Germany | 8.80 |
Canada | 8.69 |
Australia | 8.66 |
Japan | 8.40 |
United Kingdom | 8.28 |
Austria | 8.28 |
Greece | 8.14 |
South Korea | 8.09 |
France | 8.07 |
Spain | 8.07 |
Chile | 7.98 |
Czech Republic | 7.97 |
Israel | 7.80 |
Portugal | 7.75 |
Italy | 7.69 |
Belgium | 7.64 |
Malaysia | 7.29 |
India | 7.18 |
Poland | 7.18 |
South Africa | 7.05 |
Hungary | 6.72 |
Brazil | 6.68 |
Philippines | 6.66 |
Colombia | 6.55 |
Indonesia | 6.53 |
Thailand | 6.35 |
Singapore | 6.18 |
Papa New Guinea | 6.03 |
Peru | 5.81 |
Hong Kong | 5.24 |
Mexico | 5.14 |
Turkey | 4.33 |
Qatar | 3.65 |
Pakistan | 3.25 |
UAE | 3.01 |
Egypt | 2.93 |
Russia | 2.22 |
China | 2.12 |
Saudi Arabia | 2.08 |
Source: The Economist’s Democracy Index (2023) as of Feb 2024; the US score is 7.85 but is not included since out of scope for our All-World Ex-US Index.
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